5 Ways To Make Coconut Oil An Essential Part Of Your Summer Fun

Summer is the season of outdoor barbeques, picnics, hikes, and sunny days galore. While summer doesn’t technically start until June 21st (and yes, we’re counting down the days), the upcoming Memorial Day holiday always feels like the unofficial step away from spring and leap into the blissful summer days ahead. 

And while the sunny weather and good vibes are likely putting us all in an easy-breezy, carefree mindset, more often than not, the excitement can pull our attention away from our physical and mental well-being. The truth is that, while there’s still fun to be had, it’s important that we stay mindful of all the ways we can best take care of ourselves throughout the summer season. 

Enter: Conscious Coconut. Below, we’ve rounded up our top favorite reasons why CoCo should be a part of your warm weather routine. Read on to learn how coconut oil can be your all-in-one solution for endless summer fun.

Nail The No-Makeup Makeup Look

It’s summer, and depending on where you live, that means the days’ temperatures will likely be anywhere between perfectly balmy and a sweat-drenching scorcher. What’s the last thing you want to do when the heat’s up in the hundreds? Put on makeup. 

But as easygoing as summer is, there are still those days when we want to add a little something-something to our everyday look. Get a sun-kissed glow without looking like a disco ball by swiping some coconut oil onto your cheekbones, beneath the brow bone, and on the inner corner of the eyes. You can also apply CoCo to your lips for added hydration, healing cracked skin and giving your pout that oh-so-kissable shine.

Swipe On The Sunscreen

Skin health should always be a main concern, but in the summer when we’re spending the majority of our time outside, keeping ourselves protected is more important than ever. A daily dose of coconut oil applied from your head to your toes can help strengthen the surface of your skin while also boosting its resiliency and reducing risk of sunburn. 

Already looking like a lobster after a day at the beach? Take a cool shower and before toweling off, gently rub coconut oil over damp skin. Conscious Coconut works its magic by soothing skin and repairing damaged cells while also restoring your skin’s pH levels. Translation? You no longer have to deal with all that itchy and annoying post-sunburn peeling.

Keep Your Energy Up

Remember what we said about summer somehow making it seem like we have endless energy to say yes to every invite, stay out late every night, and pack everything we want to do into just a few months? Well, the crash will come, and it’s going to hit hard. While the best way to prevent summer burnout is by making sure you’re working enough down time into your schedule, with all there is to do, creating the space for rest can feel impossible.

Ditch the temporary jolt of your cold brew and enjoy a little CoCo instead. A scoop (we’re talking a tablespoon or two) into your morning smoothie will give you a much-needed pick-me-up even if you didn’t crawl into bed until well after midnight. On top of that, Conscious Coconut boosts circulation, stimulates the lymph nodes, and improves digestion. Talk about a superfood!

And if you just can’t quit the deliciousness that is coffee over ice (we don’t blame you), then start your morning strong with the added boost of energy you’ll get from CoCo. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil provide your body with a burst of energy that’ll help you kickstart your day.

Strengthen Summer Hair

Between hours in the water and entire days spent in the sunshine, our hair goes through a lot during this time of year. But add a little coconut oil to your beauty routine, and girl, you’re golden. With your hair wet (either post-shower or swim), you can take care of tangled tresses by running a scoop of CoCo from your roots to your tips, helping you comb out any knots with ease. Our Hair Mask Kit has everything you need!

Are your stands looking dull from over-exposure? Enhance your hair’s natural sheen and shine with a DIY coconut oil hair mask perfect for an at-home spa day. Comb a tablespoon of coconut oil evenly through your hair, secure with a clip, cover with a towel, and sit back and relax with your latest Netflix obsession or beach read. After an hour and a quick rinse, you’ll have healthy and glowing hair.

Oil Pull To Perfection

Oil pulling is a must for anyone who’s got wellness on their mind, and if you haven’t started yet, now’s the time to make it happen. Between corn on the cob, a steady stream of fruit-filled desserts, and all the other goodies we wait all year to devour in the summertime, it’s important that we keep our oral health in check. The ancient Ayurvedic tradition of oil pulling has been practiced for centuries as a way to prevent tooth decay, promote gum health, and strengthen the jaw. 

When you swish with coconut oil, on top of giving your mouth a natural detox, you’re working your way to fresher breath and whiter teeth. Honestly? It’s always a good time of year for that.

Get ready to jump into summer feeling your best! From coconut oil to dry brushing, to everything you need for the healthiest hair of your life, Conscious Coconut has you covered. Shop all our wellness essentials here.