Beat The Sunday Scaries With These 7 Restorative Tips

We know the feeling well: It’s 3 p.m. on a Sunday and suddenly, like clockwork, you’re overcome with an immense sense of dread. Monday morning is only hours away and you’re wishing you had just one extra day to do everything you’d planned.

The Sunday Scaries aren’t new, and if you’ve experienced the above scenario before, you probably agree that they’re the only bad thing about the weekend. That’s why we rounded up seven tips to proactively fight off the phenomenon and make Sunday the day you look forward to all week long. Read on to learn how you can set yourself up for Sunday success and shut the scaries down.

Wrap Up Any Have-To-Get-Done’s Beforehand

While no one likes working on the weekend, in our fast-paced world, sometimes it’s just a fact of life. If that’s the case for you, try to get any outstanding to-do’s out of the way early on. Sure, work on a Friday night or Saturday morning sounds like the worst in theory, but what really zaps your weekend energy is having those work worries buzzing around in your brain until the last minute.

Have a little fun with it and weave a weekend vibe into your work by playing music, mixing up a fun mocktail or coffee to sip on while you type, or planning a worthwhile reward for being on top of your game and getting sh*t done so you can truly relax and enjoy all your weekend has to offer.

Become A Meal Prep Master

Little disclaimer before we dive into this tip: We’re not saying that you have to spend hours holed up in the kitchen prepping everything perfectly for the week ahead. A successful meal prep looks like getting things ready to the extent that feels supportive for your weekday self. Maybe that’s making a grocery list and being sure your fridge is stocked with everything you need. Or perhaps washing and chopping all your fruits and veggies will make healthy options more appealing. You can even get creative with adding coconut oil to your favorite recipes for a superfood boost (check out our ideas here). Identify what will feel like a win for you, choose that route, and run with it.

Connect With Your Network

There’s something about experiencing the Sunday Scaries that can feel inherently isolating. Maybe you think you’re the only one who gets them (not true) or you think your friends will be turned off by your downer mood. Whatever voice in your head is keeping you from connecting with your people, shut it out. 

Meet up with a friend for a Saturday morning walk or get a group together for a Friday evening picnic. Call your mom and ask what’s new with her (we’re sure she’d love to hear from you). Surrounding yourself with people you love and who love you back can set the tone for a happiness-filled weekend—and keep that good energy going strong all throughout the week.

Make Time For Yourself

This might sound odd coming right on the heels of us telling you to meet up with friends and family, but it’s an important tip to keep in mind as you plan out your weekend. Oftentimes, because we’re so eager to make the most of every single second the weekend has to offer, we pack our schedules with so much fun that we step into Monday feeling completely depleted.

Carve out a little (or a lot) of time for connecting with what makes you feel the most yourself. Is there a book on your nightstand you have yet to crack open? Been dying to start a dry brushing routine? When was the last time you went for a walk without taking your phone? Write out a list of all the things you never feel like you have time for and aim to make at least one a part of every weekend. Choosing you is the ultimate refresh!

Soak Up The Endorphins

While it can feel like a challenge just to find the motivation to move, the feel-good rewards of exercise are well worth it. Working out might seem like the last way you want to spend your weekend, but know that this doesn’t have to mean posting up at the gym for three hours straight. Throw on your cutest leggings (you know the pair), pop in a podcast, and go for a stroll around your neighborhood or venture out for a hike. You can even go for a bike ride, get out in the garden, or wind down with a little yoga flow. Whatever gets you into your body and out of your head will do wonders for crowding out those anxious thoughts.

Silence Your Tech

Once your work is done and you’re caught up on your podcasts, it’s time to put away the technology. Power down your computer, take a social media break, and shut your phone off. Even just turning off your devices can make you feel like you’re on a wellness retreat. When we intentionally set aside time when we’re not available for anyone but ourselves, we create space to look within, listen, and truly identify what we need. 

This practice of periodically retreating into ourselves can make us feel miles away from the overwhelming pace of our everyday lives. What’s more, when we shut down the devices that connect us to opportunities for comparison (what social media is famous for), we empower ourselves to trust our choices and lean into the path we’re on. How about that for a life-changing weekend mindset shift?

Write Out Your To-Do List For The Week Ahead

We get it: Seeing everything you need to get done listed out in front of you can make you feel defeated right from the start. But the act of writing out your to-do’s on paper keeps them from circling around in your brain and helps open a little more headspace. You’re no longer responsible for keeping track of your appointments and tasks and can instead refer to the trusty list you’ve created for yourself.

Take it a step further and organize your list by priority, putting what’s most important at the top and saving the bottom for things that are less pressing. Organize your days with this ranking in mind and you can fall asleep Sunday knowing you’ll wake up laser-focused and prepared for whatever comes your way.

Remember: the key to keeping the Sunday Scaries at bay is being sure to balance the prep you do for an enjoyable work week with time spent relaxing, restoring, and doing whatever it is that brings you the most joy. Because what else is the weekend for?

At Conscious Coconut, supportive self-care is what we’re all about. Add a little to your refreshing weekend routine and shop our entire coconut oil collection here.