Our Commitment to an Organic Lifestyle
Why Embrace the Organic Lifestyle?
The organic sector is predicted to be worth $320.5 billion. By 2025, with conscious buyers taking more stock of the intricate link between the foods they consume and the skincare they apply, and their health. If in the past, the media often presented contrary information regarding the benefits of the organic lifestyle, these days scientific research has pretty much settled the debate, weighing in favor of organics for greater health and more youthful skin. Read on to see why we suggest going fully organic is a choice that will help you and your family attain better health and wellbeing in the long term.
“Going fully organic is a choice that will help you and your family attain better health and wellbeing in the long term.”
Studies on the Benefits of Organics
Whether fruits and vegetables or skincare such as coconut oil is concerned, the way in which fruits, flowers, and vegetables are grown, have a direct result on human health.
Two of the most important studies on organics vs conventionally grown produce, both of which were published recently in the British Journal of Nutrition, established two important facts. Firstly, organically grown fruits and vegetables have higher levels of antioxidants than their conventionally grown counterparts, and they have lower levels of heavy metals such as cadmium.
Secondly, organically grown meat and dairy contains 50% more essential Omega-3 fatty acids than non-organic varieties.
Both antioxidants and Omega-3s play an important role in preventing serious disease (including heart disease, obesity, and cancer), and in ensuring our skin is able to battle the free radicals that cause our collagen fibers to bunch up and our skin to develop wrinkles and lose firmness.
The media has long recommended that we enhance our diets with healthy superfoods; some of the most highly recommended items include coconut, blueberries, chia seeds, green tea, and tomato. However, it makes little sense to buy these products if they are grown using pesticides and other chemicals that can tamper with our health. Rather, an effort should be made to feed our families organic foods, and to ensure that skincare and makeup items are equally free of toxins.
Why Organic Skincare?
What we feed our body has a direct result on our health, but skincare is no less important, considering that the skin is the body’s largest organ and that it absorbs the many products we use daily.
Thus, in the same way that we can benefit from cooking with virgin, cold-pressed coconut or olive oil, so too can our skin avail of the many benefits of products such as Conscious Coconut Organic Coconut Oil, which is 100% USDA Organic, Fair Grade CertifiedTM, virgin, and cold-pressed.
While many commercially accessed creams can look, feel, and smell good, many contain toxic ingredients which are absent in organic coconut oil. These include butylated compounds like BHT and BHA (endocrine disruptors contained in everything from perfumes to moisturizers, skin cleansers and diaper creams), phthalates (which disrupt the endocrine system and are used in everything from deodorant to nail polish), and parabens (the most widely used preservative in cosmetics, known to interfere with hormone function).
By embracing organic skincare, you can deliver the moisture your skin needs without harming your health in unforeseen ways.
The organic lifestyle makes sense at a time when consumers are more aware than ever of where our food and skincare products come from, and of the inexorable link between these products and our health. If going fully organic seems daunting to you, feel free to take it easy, replacing a few items in your skincare collection and your pantry with organic alternatives, slowly making your way towards a toxin-free, healthier, more beautiful you.