The Process

from tree to oil in 48 hours

The Process

Conscious Coconut has 4x more antioxidants compared to cold-pressed coconut oils. It also boasts 50% lauric acid and up to 70% medium chain triglycerides (the good stuff!)

Limit outward signs of aging
Fight free radicals
Boost your body's natural defenses

We make sure that our farms can deliver high-grade & organic coconuts through sustainable implemation of organic farming.

Carefully-chosen coconuts.

Only coconuts that are 11 & 12 months old are harvested. This type of coconut has the best source of lauric acid and MCT oil content.


Farmers gather the coconuts and transport them from farm to factory via trucks.

Dehusking coconuts.

Coconuts are manually dehusked. Skilled farmers can dehusk 3000 coconuts in an 8-hour work-day.

Press Process.

The coconut meat is taken out from the shell. The meat is then hand grinded into fine particles.


The coconut milk and oil are then separated without the use of heat or machinery to produce the highest quality of coconut oil.

The Grand Finale.

Coconut oil is placed in barrels and shipped to our packaging manufacturer in the US so that our products can get ready for sale.