3 Ways To Cut Back On Your Water Use Right Now
As a company that prides itself on supporting equitable working conditions, respecting natural environments, and cultivating sustainable practices, we at Conscious Coconut are always looking for tips, tricks, and routines that help us live each day with love for our planet and its inhabitants. While addressing climate change takes structural, political, and organizational efforts, our actions and choices as individuals can lay the foundation for meaningful change.
And unfortunately, faced with record-setting temperatures and the fact that 2021 is shaping up to be the driest drought year in the last century, the need for change cannot be emphasized enough. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or discouraged by troubling headlines and extreme weather, know that you’re not alone, and that there are actionable steps we can begin incorporating into our daily lives that can set in motion the momentum needed to establish a healthier connection to our planet and its natural resources.
One way we can make that happen is by creating a more mindful and conscious relationship to our water use. In the United States, where access to water is largely available, our water consumption is something that many of us haven’t given much thought to until now. If that’s the case for you, starting small is a practical and manageable step in transforming a relationship of excess and waste to consuming and using water in a more responsible way. Keep reading for our tips below.
Reflect On Your Water Use
Because most of us can get our water by simply turning on the tap, we often don’t give much thought, time, or reflection to how we’re using it in our daily habits and routines. But when we stop to give ourselves a moment to realize all the areas in our lives where water plays a role, the findings can be surprising.
Dedicate a day to taking note of when you’re using water and where it’s possible to cut back. Do you leave the faucet running while you brush your teeth? Still have the water on full blast when you’re shampooing or shaving in the shower? Identify these habits and commit to turning the water off when you aren’t actively using it. It might seem a little tedious at first, but once you make it a practice to use water only when necessary, you’ll soon be cutting back without even noticing it.
Re-Evaluate Your Cooking Habits
Gallons can be wasted just by running the kitchen sink waiting for your water to either heat up or cool down. Set aside a special place in the fridge for cool drinking water and practice patience while you let room temperature water heat up on the stovetop. Boiling water for pasta? Strain out your noodles and save the remaining water for another use. Pro tip: your houseplants and garden won’t know the difference.
Another way that water can often be wasted in the kitchen is by rinsing fruits and vegetables. Katie Kick from GoodLife Eats suggests filling a large bowl with water and using a scrub brush instead of letting your tap run freely over your produce. Clean veggies + less water = a healthy and sustainable kitchen routine.
Garden Responsibly
Home gardening is a sustainable-living trend that we’re happy to say has blown up in recent years (namely in 2020 thanks to all the time we spent at home), and although growing your own fruits, veggies, herbs, and flowers is an effective way to reduce food waste and consume local produce, with our global water resources diminishing, efficient watering strategies are no longer a nice-to-have, but a necessity.
Unfortunately, many people often overwater their gardens out of fear that their plants aren’t getting enough. To save on the H20, pay careful attention to whether or not you actually need to water your garden. You can do this by checking your soil: poke your finger four inches beneath the soil. If it’s dry, give your garden some water. Still moist? Leave it be.
You can also treat your soil with organic matter to help it lock in moisture for as long as possible. Working mulch into your garden around your trees and shrubs prevents water from evaporating and can help soil stay moist longer. Pairing organic growing practices with these sustainable watering tips is a win-win for at-home gardeners anywhere.
Doing what we can to keep the earth healthy and happy is a key part of holistic wellness. Support organic farming and sustainable growing practices by shopping our Fair Trade Certified coconut oil today.