Everyday Wellness Tips from 4 Health & Fitness Professionals
We're grateful to share a Q&A with some of our favorite wellness ladies! Read more to learn some key wellness tips from these health & fitness professionals to start incorporating into your routine today.
Meet Alexandria
Alexandria is a premier South Florida Healthy Lifestyle Coach and Personal Trainer. She teaches others, like you, how to create healthy lifestyles through strategic goal setting and planning - giving you the support you need to sustain your new healthy lifestyle.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness to me is a broad term referring to how a person wants to live their life. Wellness can mean many different things depending on who you ask. To me, true wellness is achieved by aligning your eating habits, fitness plans, and mental well-being in a manner that is healthy and sustainable. Wellness impacts my life because it keeps me on track toward my goals of helping others live healthy, vibrant lives!
What is your go-to wellness tip?
My go-to wellness tip is to always take time for yourself. Most of us are so dedicated to our jobs, families, certain situations that we lose a sense of ourselves and what makes us truly happy. I challenge everyone to do something that gives them joy everyday. Small healthy changes over time create your healthy lifestyle!
Meet Alec
Alec is a certified Health Coach, content creator and recipe developer - and that's just her side gig. She works full time in PR and marketing, but her biggest passion is inspiring the healthy spirit animal in others.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness to me goes beyond what's on your plate and your workout routine. For me, it's always been about challenging yourself everyday to inch that much closer to your goals and being your own coach, but also being your biggest cheerleader and enjoying the ride... and some margaritas along the way!
What is your go-to wellness tip?
Mental prep. I think there's a strong understanding of the value behind meal prep in the wellness community - but that same prep you do in the kitchen to make eating healthier should be applied to how you prep for a workout! I am a big believer in adopting an athlete mentality and prepping yourself for workouts- because motivation will not always be there; discipline will be what carries you through and what makes habits stick. That takes a commitment to mentally prepping yourself for workouts everyday.
Meet Margo
Margo is a Yoga Teacher, wellness blogger, and diversity + inclusion advocate. She is a proud toddler mom, who loves spending quality time with her family.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness is multi-layered. It has spiritual, emotional, physical and mental components that all need to be tended to. For me, being well means finding balance in as many of these areas as possible. That means being conscious about what I put on the inside and outside of my body, mindful of the words that I speak to myself and others, practicing daily movement, meditations, reflection, and prayer.
What is your go-to wellness tip?
My go-to wellness tip is to journal every day. You don't have to follow a fancy prompt or be eloquent. Just give yourself time to release and reflect, I promise it's so therapeutic!
Meet Sydney
Sydney is the founder of FITXSYD! She is energetic, joyful, loving and passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. She loves fitness, dancing, baking and just spending time outdoors with friends and family!
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness is living a balanced life. It's taking care of your body inside & out; by eating nutritious foods, moving your body daily, and using clean products from skincare to cleaning supplies. It's spending time outside breathing in fresh air, and having meaningful relationships with friends and family. It's loving your body, mind, and print and speaking love and encouraging words to yourself and others. Striving for this kind of lifestyle fills me with so much joy and peace as I continue to grow and learn through this life!
What is your go-to wellness tip?
My go-to wellness tips are... take deep breaths throughout the day to recenter yourself. Take a collagen supplement everyday for healthy skin, joints and bones. one your body everyday in some way, whether that's going for a walk, dancing to your favorite song, or an online FITXSYD workout!