How to Set and Achieve Your 2020 Goals
Can you believe we are wrapping up another decade? It’s important to reflect on the things you’ve achieved in 2019 so that you can set goals for 2020. There’s nothing more refreshing than a fresh start and a new year.
A common reality is that most resolutions for the new year fail due to lack of planning. So, grab a notebook and let’s sit down and plan some goals and resolutions. If you follow this post, then you will be well on your way to achieving your goals in 2020!
Write It Down
Did you know that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down on paper? It forces you to set a clear path to achieve those goals. You can also look back to them as the year goes on.
Make Them Attainable
While it’s always great to dream big, you need to look at the smaller picture first. This allows you to not feel overwhelmed and you’ll feel accomplished when you achieve those small milestones!
Reflect on Your Current Situation
What phase of life are you in? What are you happy about? What are you sad about? Set clear goals that reflect your chapter and phase of life. If your goal is to get a new job, then start sending out 5 applications per week!
It’s Ok If You Miss & Revise Your Goals
A lot can change in a year so it’s completely okay to revise and change your goals that you set in the beginning of the year. Some of your goals could be completely different at the end of the year compared to the beginning. We all go through different seasons of life.
Take Action
Last but not least, it’s time to take action. After you’ve written down your resolutions and goals you need to get ready to take action on them! Don’t forget that time will pass anyway so you might as well stick to it and have the best year yet! Cheers to 2020!