10 Ways Coconut Oil Is A Game-Changer For Your Next Ride
There are endless ways surfing & paddleboarding engage the body and mind: Strength to keep you balanced, mental awareness to connect you to the present moment, and of course the determination needed to get out on the water. And while the benefits are well worth the challenge (connecting with nature, building a community, moving your body), there are a few inconveniences (chafing, anyone?), that frankly, we’d rather go without.
Enter: Coconut oil. From a sustainable sunscreen replacement to an energy-boosting addition to your morning coffee, here are 10 ways to incorporate coconut oil into your surf routine.
Soothe Your Sunburn (Or Avoid Them Altogether)
There’s nothing better than a day on the water soaking up the sun, but if you went a little too long without reapplying your sunscreen, don’t worry. Simply shower off and soothe your skin with a layer of Conscious Coconut. The naturally-existing lauric acid will help skin go from burnt and blotchy to soft, glowing, and smooth. More good news? Getting in the habit of applying coconut oil to your skin daily is a proactive approach to protecting yourself from the sun.
Heal Cuts and Scrapes
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory are the magic words that make coconut oil a go-to salve for surface-level scrapes. Add to that CoCo’s moisturizing and healing properties and you have an effective treatment for the inevitable cuts and scratches that rough waters bring. Pack a mini pouch of Conscious Coconut and apply to the wounded area 2-3 times daily for best results.
Boost Your Coffee, Boost Your Energy
While coffee alone can sometimes make you feel more jittery than energized, swirling in a spoonful of coconut oil to your morning cup helps you start the day with a sustained and long-lasting boost. Not only that, but pairing your caffeine with coconut oil boosts circulation and improves digestion—everything you need to feel 100% during your next surf.
Hair Conditioner and Sun Protectant
Spending hours in the surf means needing to show some extra love for your locks. The Vitamin E in coconut oil moisturizes and strengthens hair, giving you serious shine. Starting at your roots, apply all the way to your ends and cover with a quick dry hair towel or cap. Wrap with a towel for 30 minutes and get ready to reap the shine-boosting benefits.
Deodorize the Natural Way
There’s nothing we love more than all-natural solves for personal care. Replace conventional antiperspirants with coconut oil for protection against odor-causing bacteria plus soft and smooth underarms without the, ahem, smell (even after the sweatiest workouts).
Keeps Bugs At Bay
Bugs and mosquitos are an inevitable part of any outdoor sport, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer the stings and bites that come with them. Ditch the harsh chemicals of other sprays and opt for Conscious Coconut oil instead—an all-natural, non-toxic solution for repelling pests.
Kiss Board Burn Goodbye
Chafing, board burn, surf rash—whatever you call it, the pain and discomfort is real. Treat irritation (or prevent it completely), by applying coconut oil to the affected areas for cooling and soothing relief.
Wax On, Wax Off
Sure, surf wax is necessary for keeping us on our boards, but having to deal with the mess when it gets on your gear or the seat of your car? No thanks. A simple smearing of coconut oil is all you need to streamline clean-up. Just dab (or slather, depending on the mess) and wipe the surface clean with a warm washcloth.
Breathe Easy
If a mouthful of saltwater isn’t your idea of a hydrating bevvy, we’re totally with you. DIY an all-natural vapor rub with a mix of tea tree oil, rosemary oil, and coconut oil. Apply under your nose and on your chest to relieve congestion. Inhale, exhale, voila!
Stop Surfers’ Ear In Its Tracks
If left untreated, water-clogged ears can lead to more serious infections. Address the issue right away and relieve discomfort with just a few drops of CoCo in each ear canal.
Ready to add Conscious Coconut to your routine? With everything from travel-friendly wipes for your next surf adventure to sustainably-packaged jars for everyday use, we provide easy ways to incorporate coconut oil into your unique lifestyle. Shop the collection here.